I've taken pics for over a decade and tomorrows blog will look at a few of the repeat clients that I have had the opportunity to reshoot. Sometimes I made mistakes, other times I just couldn't exceed the limits of my equipment. What equipment you ask? Well today you'll learn about the cameras that helped make my photography what it is today.

1998 - Sony Digital Mavica - less than 1 Megapixel
My first venture into the world of digital photography. At the time I was so excited with the idea of taking pictures and printing them out myself that I was blind to the poor quality pictures this thing took. But the memory that really stands out with this camera is the fact that someone broke into my car and stole it. You would think the Coast Guard Yard would have better security...

2000 - Kodak DC 220 - 1 Megapixel
Since my first camera was stolen this was a swift replacement. While my first camera took a lithium battery this took AA's (big mistake!!) Still it wasn't a bad camera and I did my first wedding with it for some very nice pictures. The main problem I had was the comments I had to put up with from people who didn't take me seriously, or even give me a chance. (come to think of it, I'm still dealing with that today...) This was also the only camera that was replaced before it broke down, which allowed me to sell it.

2001 - Minolta Dimage 5 - 3 Megapixel
This was when people started taking me seriously. This camera looked more like the traditional SLR that professionals use. It's biggest problem was that batteries had a life span of around 30 minutes!! (Yeah, I didn't learn my lesson from my last camera...) When I got this camera I believe my word's were, "OMG!!! 3 MEGAPIXELS!!! That's the best there is! hmmm... Well anyway, I loved the camera but I really wanted to start doing more creative pictures that didn't rely so heavily on computer software. This meant I was going to need a camera that could accept different lenses as well as flashes and filters. After a while shot's didn't look as good as before and I soon knew that a replacement was in order before I took on another wedding...

2005 - Nikon D70 6 Megapixel
To date, I did more research before buying this camera than any other digital before or after. For the high price tag I needed to know that I could do everything I wanted to with this and It didn't disappoint. Sadly that particular model had it's flaws but with firmware updates and a few trips to Best Buy for warranty repairs it served me well. But when that warranty expired and more problems came along it was time to find something new...
2009 - Canon 50D 15 Megapixel
What no Nikon!? Yeah this wasn't my first choice as a successor to my D70, but it just so happened that Circuit City was going out of business and this was all that was left at 50% off so... SOLD!! It was a pain having to get all new flashes and lenses but it was worth it.
And that about does it...
An interesting side note is this; These cameras were each good in their individual eras, but even then, they weren't considered to be "best of the best." Never think that just because you have a cheaper or older model camera that you your work cant compare to all the big shot photographers out there. Don't get wrapped up in brand names and megapixels. "Stay creative and brush off the haters." thats what I say. Well, I don't say that but it fits... kinda... Maybe I should start saying that... Nah...
See ya next blog!
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